Sisters Sippin'Tea we are...
We travel distances both near and far...
To talk about the books that we have read
Some come along just to bond instead.
What ever the reason we gather together
A book is discussed; no matter what the weather.
The critics are varied arguments are few
Cause we're some reading sisters that know what to do!
After we discuss the book and all is said,
We get to see what the hostess has for a spread-
So see it's lots of fun with my sisters and me,
We are the "core" chapter of Sisters Sippin' Tea.
Written by Helen Smith- January 2000
Gathering together to meet new friends-so nice
Grisham, Naylor, Walker and even Annie Rice
The stories that are told are current and old
Opinions & attitudes can be quite
Expressed by women with strong points of views
But moments of anger are seldom and few
The spirit is lively and all is meant well
The hours that past have each been so swell
A time for us, to gather~just ourselves to be
Cause this is special~ "Sisters Sippin' Tea"
Written by Deborah Jones-1993
If any little word of ours
Can make one life the brighter
If any little song or ours
Can make one heart the lighter,
And take our bit of singing
And drop it in some lonely vale
To seet the echoes ringing.
If any little love our ours
Can make one life sweeter;
If any little care of ours
Can make one step the fleeter;
If any little help may ease
The burden of another;
God give us love and care and strength
To help along each other.
Another Unknown
A few good friends from Houston were talking one day
About how they loved to read and liked to have their say
Each had her favorite author, as most avid readers do-
They wanted to form a group to share their thoughts, ideas, and questions too!
This group decided to call one or two of their friends
To share the concept of what they were interested in.
A meeting was called to see how many agreed
The consensus of the group was, "It's a great idea indeed!"
What will we do?
Where will we meet?
What will be our name?
These are a few of the questions we had to entertain.
Suggestions, questions, and planning were serious but with glee
We finally agreed we'll be called
The news started traveling to and fro-
Other cities had sisters who wanted chapters to grow-
Now we have chapters of Sisters Sippin' Tea
In several cities even one out of the country!
So here's the list: We hope you will enjoy
Hearing the many different places-there quite a few, Oh boy!
Texas is where Houston is- the beginning of what has come to be
A sisterhood of African-American women called Sisters Sippin' Tea
Texas City is right next door and Dallas is not too far away
Just up the road in Conroe was a chapter that eventually didn't stay.
From New York-Far Rockaway and Brentwood started two
See what a lot of enthusiasm can do?
Then over in Cleveland and Bedford Ohio more sisters are Sippin' Tea
Auburn Hills, Michigan came on board, this founder is a Sister busy as can be,
'Cause she moves on to Columbus, Ohio still reading and enjoying it you see.
Deep down in the south to Georgia Sisters Sippin' Tea must go-
In Riverdale, Stockbridge, and Smyrna more reader started to grow.
Jackson, Mississippi we didn't forget about you
You're one of our sisters sipping tea too.
Other chapters were formed out West when California got the news
Los Angeles and Sacramento showed an interest to choose
Books to read, authors to discuss, anything to learn
By now our sisterhood was taking a fantastic turn
A turn for the best as I'm sure you'll all agree
Cause we also have a chapter of Sisters over the sea!
Cairo, Egypt is the place that claims our wonderful name
Sisters learned of the excitement and yes they even came
To join in the chance to read and discuss a book or two
Or just to hang out with other sisters until their time is through.
So whether you read a book, listen to a tape
Or a movie you choose to see,
Just keep on doing something literary
Whatever you decide to do or where you choose to be
It doesn't matter-just do it for Sisters Sippin' Tea.
Written by Helen Smith-April 2001